Friday, March 20, 2009

Street Fighter: The Legend Of Chun-li

the undercover Interpol agent, female fighter Chun-Li(Kristin Kreuk) as she falls in the quest of finding justice after she found out that her father(Edmund Chen) is murdered. The movie was shoot in numerous locations include Bangkok, Thailand, Hong Kong and Vancouver.

Powerful forces are converging on the streets of Bangkok.
They are warriors, some of whom possess extraordinary abilities,
all of whom are determined to see their side prevail.
Some fight for us; the others for unlimited power.
Now, they are preparing for the ultimate battle -- of terror versus beauty, light versus darkness, and good versus evil.
On the streets of Bangkok, crime boss Bison instigates a wave of violence in the slum districts, grabbing power and land no matter what the costs to its residents.
Bison's syndicate, Shadaloo, is taking over the slums of the Thai capital, a task overseen by Balrog (Michael Clarke Duncan), a massively built enforcer and killer.
Also in Bison's employ is the assassin Vega (Taboo, of the group The Black Eyed Peas),
a masked talon-wielding warrior, whose weapon is tailor-made for slashing and stabbing attacks.
Bison ruthless tactics are met by a team of heroes consisting of Chun-Li,
a half-Caucasian/half-Asian beauty who gave up a life of privilege to become a street fighter, battling for those who cannot fight for themselves; her kung fu master, Gen, once a feared criminal, who now fights for the forces of good;
Interpol cop Charlie Nash, who has tracked the crime boss all over the world,
and Nash's partner, gangland homicide detective Maya Sunee.

This is the overall view of Street Fighter, i had watched with Anthony today.
The storyline with the vengeance was quite ok. I agreed with other ppl saying that there was no trademark moves from Vega, although he looked quite strong.
Now I realised i can't judge how strong the people are from their looks.
However, i think that if the director want this movie to be famous,
he needs to add in more moves.
Sames goes for the scene of Bison, not even for 5mins or so the fights ended-.-
Should'nt Ken be stronger?? He was the leader of the spider syndicate.
How could he be defeated easily.
Nevertheless, I like the spinning kick by Chun Li and the fire chain by Huang.
What I dont agree to others were why they want Chun Li to dress up with cheongsam outfit and to have a bun hairstyle.
The decision is still made by the director and i see no different with her wearing it.
Moreover, she did wore it for awhile in the pub named 'Insomnia'.
The police was damn dumb lor-.- Nash went to kiss Maya to avoid being noticed, and they lost the sign of the enemy.
I like the ambush part whereby Nash and the other police have to silencely exterminate those guard without being noticed.

I bth Anthony-.-, see those girls until haiii... =X!
I think it was still worth it although i was still lost in the storyline haha.
This movie is a good way of building up my personal recount skills.
I can see just how different it was, when i read my story, it was pathetic.
Everything was not descriptive enough, all written halfway and was skip to other scene.
I like some of the quotes; some fight for power, some fight for us.
If u continue to walk forward, danger follows.
I stood up when standing is not easy
Anger can never bring vengeance.
Father always have a weakness for their daughter.
Her father is one example, he go against his principle by helping the Shadaloo to exchange for her daughter,Chun Li, safety.
Nevertheless, she went on the expedition to save her dad.
In the end, her dad sacrifice himself just to save her.
This was the most cruel part, to have to witness her father dieing infront of her.
If i have the power i will kill him first-.-

Before it we have our dinner at Pizza Hut. Mdm Zuraidah treated us.
She ordered lots of foods.
Firstly, was the student meal; four soup, four drinks and two pizza.
Only me ordered drink that are not coke, i was like so-.-
We continue to oder the seafood pizza. Actually we don't feel like having more, but still she odered it. What funny things happened afterwards was we didn't realised that the pizza served is not the seafood we odered and we ate so happily-.-
have dessert at the last. OMG!! it cost 137.59!!!
It was like so bad lor, we ate her 100+ dollars.


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